Pamela K Shaw
Vice President
Kurt Nachtman
Jenna Hatfield
Tyler Stiff
Walt Brewer
Robin Mooney
To contact any officer or director, please email
Membership Committee
Membership Responsibilities
The Membership Committee is responsible for all membership solicitation and maintain a record of current members.
Garnering widespread membership is vital to the operation of the LCA. By collecting a consistently high number of membership dues, the LCA is able to put our best foot forward when it comes to community events and printed communications, just to name a few examples.
Membership Director
Claire Hach
Communications Committee
History Committee
History Director
Paul Fenchak
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for welcoming new residents to the community, informing them of LCA membership eligibility and furnishing refreshments at LCA meetings.
Traditionally, new residents are given a welcome gift courtesy of the LCA and a copy of our most recent newsletter. Through this gesture, we hope to increase awareness of the LCA’s presence in the community and the numerous benefits we provide to our neighbors.
Hospitality Director
Maureen Henley
Nominating Committee
The nominating committee is responsible for presenting all nominees for all vacancies within the LCA and assisting other committee chairpersons in recruiting committee members. Nominees are presented to the board, then election proceedings occur at the annual meeting in May.
To recruit candidates within the community who want to become active Board Members of the LCA as the various positions become available via office terms coming to an end, or vacancies created. These are volunteer positions. Neighbors who are interested in bolstering community activity and livelihood are encouraged to participate!
Additional Materials
Biographical Form
Conflict of Interest Policy
Nominating Director
Virginia Crews
Public Facilities Committee
The Public Facilities Committee is concerned with overseeing the open spaces, streams, walkways and other publicly-owned property within the community.
Recent activities of the Public Facilities Committee include:
Adopt A Highway
In conjunction with the Maryland State Highway Administration; members of the community remove litter from Seminary Avenue, a State-maintained highway, several times a year. This maintenance spans from Seminary Avenue at Norman Avenue to Seminary Avenue over I-83.
Trash bags, gloves, and safety vests are supplied by the Maryland State Highway Administration to all participants, and members of the cleanup crew must receive a safety briefing, as well as sign a waiver of liability. Participation in the clean ups can be used by high school students to earn community service hours, as well as serve as a good source of exercise for members of any age.
Street Tree Inventory
In partnership with a local Eagle Scout, the committee examined all trees that are situated in or near the public right of way on streets in the community. Given that Lutherville is a mature neighborhood, many of the trees are in need of ongoing pruning or removal due to deteriorating health. While the committee was not responsible for the actual maintenance or removal, it did supply referrals to other resources.
Roland Run
Just west of the Light Rail line, this stream has posed many problems for adjacent property owners throughout the years. Long time residents report that the stream’s water quality has suffered and that stream bank erosion is a problem in many places. Baltimore County government has committed to conduct a stream restoration project that is currently completing final engineering plans.
Additionally, the Roland Run is a cause of periodic flooding problems for adjacent residents. The causes of this flooding are complex and may include upstream development; drainage structures related to the Light Rail line and the Seminary Avenue bridge and permitted development that predates current flood zone regulations. It is anticipated that in 2011 the Federal government will officially adopt new flood plain maps that may require additional properties to purchase flood insurance if the property is encumbered by a federally-insured home mortgage.
The committee has made all property owners aware of the changes to the flood plain maps and has communicated with local and state officials concerning issues related to flooding. We continue to advocate on behalf of the abutting property owners in efforts to mitigate the problem.
Open Spaces
Lutherville benefits from many open space parcels owned by Baltimore County. Both the elementary school and Seminary Park, adjacent to Burton Avenue, feature playing fields used by the Lutherville Timonium Recreation Council and others for organized recreation. Tennis courts and a basketball court at the elementary school are also available at these properties.
The Tot Lot located in the 500 block of Morris Avenue has been a haven to mothers and young children over the last two decades. Much of the playground equipment on the site was funded in part by the Community Association. Hoping to replicate the success of the Tot Lot, the Public Facilities Committee will embark on plans to beautify the County-owned parcel at the corner of Seminary Avenue and Greenspring Drive in the Spring of 2011. Park benches, a community identification sign and landscaping are planned for this property. Volunteers are welcome to participate. Please contact Eric Rockel, Committee Chair, if you wish to get involved.
We are always seeking input and looking for ways to improve the appearance of our community. Do you have an idea that may improve Lutherville? Or maybe you have a question about some publicly-owned property, please feel free to ask the Public Facilities Committee. Strengthen the community thru your involvement.
Public Facilities Director
Evan Mayfield
Security Committee
The security committee is responsible for all matters related to safety, security and crime prevention within the boundaries of the LCA.
Committee Mission
To keep the citizens of Lutherville informed of any criminal activity in the area. Over the last several years, the LCA has worked closely with the Baltimore County Police Department to ensure that any crimes or pressing threats to our community or surrounding areas are communicated to our neighbors through the use of the Listserv. If you are not currently a member of the Listserv and would like to begin receiving messages, simply go to and sign up.
- Inform the greater community of any criminal activities affecting our area
- Provide information to our citizens about how they can better protect themselves against scams in the community
- Although the LCA is unable to provide specific details on Sex Offenders in our area, we strongly encourage individuals to visit MD’s Sex Offender Registry at on a regular basis to find out if there are any sexually motivated criminals near-by.
Citizens on Patrol (COP) Program
This is an initiative by the Baltimore County Police Department. Use the links below to learn more about keeping Lutherville safe for our families and neighbors. You can also view an introductory letter from Officer Kevin Kahl, a member of BCPD’s Precinct 7 Community Outreach team here.
COP brochure
Security Director
Karen Kemp
Special Events Committee
The Special Events Committee shall be responsible for all seasonal and special activities of the LCA and oversee all fundraising efforts.
Neighborhood events are among the most important things the LCA does. We host several events year round, including holiday decorating contests, visits from Santa, easter egg hunts, popsicle parties, and bonfires.
All events are free and open to the community, and are excellent opportunities to get out and meet neighbors face-to-face. As membership increases, we hope to add even more family-oriented events to our roster!
Special Events Director
Maija Talikka Johns
Traffic Committee
The Traffic Committee is responsible for identifying and working to address traffic issues that affect our community. The Committee meets twice during the year to discuss traffic issues that have been identified and works with Baltimore County and State officials and law enforcement to respond to problems as they arise.
Examples of initiatives undertaken by the Committee:
- Worked with the County to get speed humps installed on a number of streets in the community
- Worked with the County to obtain a right turn only lane on westbound Ridgely Road to access the Old Navy and others stores at the far end of the Yorkridge Shopping Center
- Worked with the County for improved signage at the stoplight exiting the Yorkridge Shopping Center alerting drivers that they cannot go straight from the shopping center onto Kurtz Avenue
- Worked with the State to improve the signage alerting drivers that Seminary Avenue was closed for the replacement of the bridge over Roland Run
- Worked with the State to place No Parking signs on westbound Seminary Avenue across from the Royal Farm Store to prevent trucks from impeding cars from exiting onto Seminary Avenue from Lutherville-Riderwood Drive
- Advocating the placement of a crosswalk on Bellona Avenue at or near the intersection with Clark Avenue to provide a path for children to use to get to the play areas at Orchard Hills Park
- Working with the County in connection with a request that the County install a traffic circle in Country Club Park where Greenspring, Notre Dame and Spring Avenues intersect
Zoning Committee
The zoning committee is responsible for all matters regarding zoning or development within the boundaries of the LCA. Also responsible for implementation of the Lutherville Master Plan and for proposing changes thereto.
The zoning committee monitors ongoing requests for zoning variances in Lutherville and reviews relevant aspects of the Baltimore County Master Plan to protect the community’s interests.
Zoning Director
Lisa Baldanza